Touch live

ERP system


Interface design

Product design


Created by

Kate Korolenko

Autumn 2021

How to save shipping company from chaos?

The shipping process consists of myriads of important connected parts: crew managing, sea route planning, and goods distribution.  And companies are in permanent search of a tool that gives them the possibility to manage everything in one place. ShipMade founder created an ERP system that allows managing this huge organism. We made it user-friendly and clean.

Big system from wireframes to detailed UI design

All design result in the final view has around 450 screens. To keep all the sections in one style and present to developers a clear and unified structure we created an expanded version of the design system, where every element connects with the next one without long time expenses for their creation and transformation.

During work we adhered to several design patterns and before inventing a new one - tried, first of all, to apply the interface part to already existing ones. This approach gives us the opportunity to work around several forms and greatly simplify the interaction with the interface parts. For us - quick and structured design, for developers - easy coding, for users - several familiar patterns and quick learning.

We aren't afraid of big systems - we are afraid of unfriendly one

It was a pretty simple project from the task point of view: take an old design system and updated it with a new approach, methods, and style. But on the other hand, sometimes it was challenging to understand the business process that was hidden in this ERP system and the opportunities of the back-end. Fortunately, the founder of ShipMate was ready to spend his time with us to explain everything in detail - so together we make a great result in a pretty short time. So, we are looking forward to feedback from real users - managers in the shipping companies and seafarers on the tanker.

Next project

ARS Marino